What she has to say
The night time high QUEEN
05 Aug
im a child of God!

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would also want to have that,
this &that.
or maybe just this please. :D
♥ chocolates[:
i love my friends too ♥ :D
i love my family ♥
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DARLinks ;
:) JED
:) JEM
Life is full of boo boos and laa laas.
Lovey Dovey
My God is mighty to save and its true!
I got it. Like finally.
The Maker of the Universe.
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  • Friday, November 28, 2008

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    It was not a bad movie after all but the front was not as engaging as the end.

    would you want to erase the memories that you are holding on to if you had a chance?

    I think we or at least for me, always want things that we can't get.
    I never know how to treasure things that I already have or I would just want more than what I already have. If I were given the chance to be able to erase part of my memory, I want it to happen. But will I fight to keep the memories I wanted to erase? After watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, it just makes me realize that memories are wonderful things that leaves you to learn from and reminisce. And no one can ever take your memories away from you. No one except memory loss or brain damage or you get the idea..

    Memories are like the vivid accurate imaginations that you call out from the back of your mind at some point of time to reminisce about some point of time of your life that you wish to remind yourself about.

    1:17 AM

    & there she goes,


    Thursday, November 20, 2008

    I've come to realize that sometimes people can say really nasty stuff.
    The stuff that they say might be really true, it might also be just a lie.
    But maybe its for the listener to judge and decide for himself/herself.
    Because whatever it may be, people have the freedom of speech.
    And how much proof can you show to one about the truth.
    Negative words might hurt you, it might make you feel annoyed, angered or even revengeful.
    But still all these feelings are inevitable and maybe feeling negatively about a lie is hurting yourself. 
    Humans tend to pass judgements on things they see on the surface normally (not all cases are like that) and i guess its human nature?
    Sometimes forgiving is easier than forgetting.

    2:03 AM

    & there she goes,


    Wednesday, November 19, 2008

    if you think you have made the best choice, the rest of the choices will be left unseen.

    2:03 AM

    & there she goes,


    Tuesday, November 18, 2008

    For every thought you have, it might become an action.
    For every action, there is a consequence.
    For every word said, there is an impact.
    Some thoughts are better to be kept to yourself or voiced out through the right ways.

    P.S. Wikipedia is a useful tool to get your facts right.

    5:18 PM

    & there she goes,


    Tuesday, November 11, 2008

    A Kite I Loved That Lied
    There was once a kite I never took notice of. I knew of its existence but it never caught my attention. Then there was one day when the kite showed me more than what it was, its capabilities of flying high and beautifully in the sky and it made me fall in love with it gradually. It was so hard not to fall in love with this kite. It did not look like the kind of kite that you would fall in love with at the first sight but more like one that you would grow to love after flying it in the sky. 

    It was a fun kite to fly and to have. But I knew inside me that no matter how beautiful a kite is, you can never fly it in the sky forever. No matter how you try to pull the string and let go at times, the wind still plays a huge part. I was never someone good with flying kites no matter how hard I try to. It was never easy and there was always something new for me to learn about flying the kite.  But anyway one day, the string snapped and the kite flew as I thought it would happen. But who would thought that it would happen so soon? 

    I looked at the kite. It flew and flew without a string. But what could I do to get my kite back? All that I was capable of was having all the memories of the kite coming back to me. From it being such an ordinary kite to it catching my attention, making me fall in love bit by bit with it and then being something that I was so attached to. I could only have these memories with me. The kite was never flying back. I looked with disappointment as the kite flew further and further away with a wish in mind that the wind would change direction and let my kite fly back in the direction I was in. But sometimes, whatever you wish for and you want so much is what you can only wish for. 

    As I looked at it flying further and further away into the sky, it seemed like it was determined to fly away and look for someone else. Then I thought, maybe I should just let the kite go and fly far into the sky. Maybe the memories it left me was the most beautiful by itself. Maybe if I just let it go, the beautiful memories wouldn't be ruined. As I looked into the sky again, I thought it looked so beautiful flying freely in the sky, as beautiful as the first time I flew it in the sky.

    2:00 AM

    & there she goes,


    Monday, November 3, 2008

    Since I am in a good mood today, I shall share a story with you.

    There was once a duck that liked to lied. He lied so much that whatever he said sounded so convincing, people believed it. One day, he decided to lie that he can fly. He bragged about his wings and how beautiful it was in the sky. From his wild imagination, about how the world looked like from the sky and how the wind felt beneath his wings. I mean people obviously didn't believe him since they knew ducks couldn't fly. One day he was challenged to fly but all he could do was swim and quack in the pond. Therefore, he was taken out of the pond, his feathers plucked out, killed and then roasted.

    The moral of the story is not to lie because some things just cannot be done.

    Okay I know this is not really a good story since the Pinocchio story is much better but still, you get the point, don't you? Im too imaginative (thinking about the positive side of dire situations) for my own good. Thats all I can say. To think that you'd act like a bastard and maybe be like the duck in that story. I just hope you don't quack too much. 

    I was just a character in your story to make it more interesting but maybe its time you stopped manipulating me just to make your character in the story seem more superior.

    10:37 PM

    & there she goes,


    Sunday, November 2, 2008

    Is it insecurity or selfishness? 
    From today onwards, the number will be invalid.

    You were a good friend or something like that. I was just not good with words and had let anger overwhelm me which caused me to say whatever I said. Anyway it took two hands to clap. (I've tried but you choose to stay in your own hole so there is nothing much I can do about it.) I will always remember that no matter how angry I am, how sad I get, you are the one who puts the smile right back on my face and it doesn't take you more than ten minutes to do so which is not an easy task. Maybe you understood me really well, maybe you were just good with words whatever it is, no one did that before. So when I am sad or confused, you come to my mind. Because I will be wondering why and how you could make me smile that way and if you would still just open up and listen to me and bother to probably do the same. Maybe its your silliness, your wittiness, your perseverance or your nonchalent attitude about how people look at you that makes you so special to me. Just that you are being an asshole with the way you are acting now and it makes you so much less adorable. 

    12:48 AM

    & there she goes,


    Saturday, November 1, 2008

    Happy Halloween.

    Remember this for the rest of your life. Two mistakes in one day. One unintentionally made and the other is intentional. One after another with only a few minutes in between what you did. Don't ever do it again since you already understand how it feels. Don't try it again. Its so totally not worth it. You don't deserve it so don't dwell upon it. You never know he might have left you a long time ago without you even knowing it. He's moved on so don't look back. Go and have a good life girl. Free yourself from the bondages.

    1:25 AM

    & there she goes,
